24 d’octubre, 2008

All we know about Australia (6è Borredà)

Australia is the smallest continent in the world. There are 20.090.437 inhabitants, with an average of 2 inhabitants per km. The capital is Canberra.
The main cities are:
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaida.
The official
language is English. The main religion is Christianity.
government is a constitutional monarchy.
coin currency is the Australian dolar.

The highest mountain is Kosiuszco of 2.228m high.
The main rivers are Murray and Darling.
The representative symbol is the devil of Tazmania.
It is the first manufacturer of iron and bauxite.
It is the second place of the world with the highest amount of sheep, 99,300.000 sheep.
Australia there are many kangaroos, and the known animal is the devil of Tazmania.

1-In Australia there are many animals, koalas,kangaroos...
2-Australia is a continent, very known very small.
3-In Australia there is beach, it is an island.
4- From north to south there are 3.700 (kilometres), while from east to west there are 4.000 km.
5-The noun of Australia derives of the Latin Australis, that it means "Meridional" or " South".
6-Australia is a continent.
In Australia there are kangaroos and koalas.
Australia is the smallest continen in the world.

Australian open is a tennis champions,the latest winner was Roger Fededer.
The most important city are Sidney and Melbourne.

In Sidney there is an important opera.

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Hola, soc l'Alba Lozano de la valldan.
Jo no ho vaig fer d'australia, jo ho vaig fer de ayers rock, que esta en Australia!